Welcome to Lightening's Blogworld! A place where I blog about all things blogging, including blog reviews! I am a BLOG ADDICT. I'm happy to admit that. I'm also something of a blogging "newbie" and not really technical at all. LOL. But I am learning a few things as I go and I might just share them here. I figure if I can do them anyone can. Plus, it could be a helpful place for me to return when I can't remember how I did something and want to do it again! LOL.

Being a blogging addict, I have more than 1 blog. In fact this is only 1 of 3 blogs.My main blog can be found at
Lightening Online . This is where I blog about all things "me". In fact "me" is the only common theme really. You'll find a variety of thoughts ranging from life as a mum, frugality, simple living, gardening, craft projects and who knows what else.

I also write another blog called
For I Know The Plans I Have For You which is a more intimate blog detailing the spiritual side of my life.

Why keep them all separate? Apart from the fact that I may send my readers nutty if I continually post multiple posts on my main blog? I respect people's right to choose what they spend their time reading. I hope some of my readers will read all 3 blogs. But others may choose to only read 1 or 2. I hope by separating them like this, it makes that easier to do so.

I hope you enjoy this blog and come again soon!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Join "saving mum" for FREE in December

Well, it's always nice to get something for FREE and www.savingmum.com.au are offering FREE membership. According to Emma this offer applies for the month of December.

So pop on over there and sign up. I'm not all that familiar with their website yet but it's worth a look. It looks like it's aimed at parents of 0-6 year olds in particular. They even have a section for saving the planet (big tick from me on that one).

While some of the information is aimed at and relevant to parents, I think you'd find plenty for those who don't fit that criteria.

They also offer a free newsletter. I'm yet to recieve one yet so I can't comment on the quality but I figure while it's not costing anything, it might contain some gems of information worthy of reading. :-)

So, head on over there and take advantage of this special offer. I just checked and they are indeed offering this FREE for the month of December. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don't forget to pop back here and let me and others know what you think of the site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.