Welcome to Lightening's Blogworld! A place where I blog about all things blogging, including blog reviews! I am a BLOG ADDICT. I'm happy to admit that. I'm also something of a blogging "newbie" and not really technical at all. LOL. But I am learning a few things as I go and I might just share them here. I figure if I can do them anyone can. Plus, it could be a helpful place for me to return when I can't remember how I did something and want to do it again! LOL.

Being a blogging addict, I have more than 1 blog. In fact this is only 1 of 3 blogs.My main blog can be found at
Lightening Online . This is where I blog about all things "me". In fact "me" is the only common theme really. You'll find a variety of thoughts ranging from life as a mum, frugality, simple living, gardening, craft projects and who knows what else.

I also write another blog called
For I Know The Plans I Have For You which is a more intimate blog detailing the spiritual side of my life.

Why keep them all separate? Apart from the fact that I may send my readers nutty if I continually post multiple posts on my main blog? I respect people's right to choose what they spend their time reading. I hope some of my readers will read all 3 blogs. But others may choose to only read 1 or 2. I hope by separating them like this, it makes that easier to do so.

I hope you enjoy this blog and come again soon!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Isn't the Blogosphere Such a Nice Place to Be?

I am constantly amazed by how kind and helpful bloggers are to people that they've only met through the blogworld. What a special place it is to be a part of. I'm so glad I started blogging and moving in blog-circles. I have learnt SO much, met some wonderful people and generally feel like I've improved my quality of life quite dramatically.

If you want to know anything about blogging, there are many wonderful blogs out there which provide some wonderfully useful information. Behind those blogs are some extremely kind and helpful people. To be honest, I expected the blog world to be just like the rest of life. Those at the top happily ignoring those of us at the bottom of the heap and socialising with the rest of the "elite".

Now maybe there are one or two bloggers that are like that - if there are, I'm yet to meet them but I'm still very much a new and tiny fish in this big blogpond.

For the most part, I've noticed that blogging seems to be more of a circle, rather than a hierarchy. How refreshing is that? Sure, there are the top blogging lists and they're always a great way to find new and interesting blogs. But so far it hasn't felt to me like I *have* to be on that list in order to be an integral part of the "blogosphere". I'm not somehow relegated to the less desirable lunch spot just because I'm nowhere near reaching the "top 100" or "top whatever". LOL.

I want to mention specifically a few bloggers whose blogs I have found helpful and who's writers I have found extremely approachable. Snoskred at Life in the Country, Meg at Dipping into the Blogpond and Andrew at On Blogging Australia.If you haven't already found these blogs for your self (and I know it took me a while before I came across some of them), it's well worth a visit and a look around.

Don't forget to say hi in their comments - we all know how much bloggers LOVE their comments. You can even say that Lightening sent you if you like. I know I always find it interesting to discover where people have come from and how they found me. :-)

You might have noticed I'm a bit light on posts this week. I've been working on a new project - to be unveiled very soon. :-) I have a couple of blog reviews in the pipeline and hope to post on those once I get this other "secret project" up and running. :-)


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the kind words. I like your blog-circle analogy, I've joked myself about "moving in different blog-circles".

I'm glad you haven't been exposed to the hierarchical nature, unfortunately it does exist, but I think for the vast majority of (Aussie) bloggers we're happy to lend a helping hand. That culture of "mateship"... This is the most rewarding part of blogging for me, seeing a familiar face commenting, reading about the ups and downs, sharing a joke. You just don't get that level of intimacy on big blogs.

I'm excited about your new project - you won't know yourself :)

lightening said...

Thanks Meg. Well, I'm hoping I remain oblivious to the "hierarchy" issues within the blogworld. :-) Thank you for the awesome contribution you make to the "niceness" of the blog "circle". :-)

As for the intimacy issues with a larger blog - I think that thought makes me want to aim to be a "middle level" blogger. One thought I have had with attempting to increase my traffic is that I don't wish to become so big that every single visitor and comment is meaningful to me.

Which is good because I don't expect I quite have what it takes to be a real "top level" blogger anyway. And I'm quite content with that fact. :-)